South Office

Meet The Team


(403) 543-4499
Donna Rooney
Real Estate Professionals Inc. (South Office)

Donna Rooney is a seasoned, top producing real estate agent in Calgary. With over 27 years of experience, Donna Rooney has sold over $3 Billion dollars in residential real estate + is respected as one of the country's industry leaders. Donna works throughout the city in all price categories + maintains a substantial market share of luxury inner city transactions. Having negotiated thousands of real estate transactions, Donna brings expertise + skill to every business meeting + negotiation. She provides accurate pricing advisement + sales strategies to sellers as a listing specialist estate year sales year after year. Like many Calgarians, Donna grew up in Saskatchewan + is a Graduate of the University of Saskatchewan with dual degrees in Business + History. She brings to her career the legendary Saskatchewan work ethic + genuine interest in the lives of her clients; as a result she is fortunate to receive 85% of her business through referrals + repeat clients. Donna is a sporting enthusiast, world traveler, community volunteer + family oriented individual who is passionate + enthusiastic about real estate, people + the city of Calgary.

#100, 5810 2nd Street SW
T2H 0H2

Contact Donna

(403) 543-4499

Meet Our Agents. Two Offices. One Team.

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#100, 5810 2nd Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2H 0H2

Go with the Pros!